Memo to Other Jesus Followers:

Re: the Trucking Convoy

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Today, a dear friend — a beloved sister in Christ, in fact — forwarded me an invitation to contribute to a GoFundMe campaign to help finance the “Freedom Convoy” due to arrive in Ottawa shortly (as I write this — Saturday, January 29).

In a word, No.

I won’t get into the truckers’ argument, because on the face of it, they may have a legitimate beef.

But two things have to be made clear. First, is that this is not a question of “freedom”. This is a health-care issue, trying to make sure people don’t get sick from an as-yet incurable disease, threaten others by infecting them, and jeopardize the people who love and depend on them. If freedom comes into it, it’s freedom from that sort of fear.

The second, is that it distresses me, how many professing Christians are joining in, acting as if it’s some Divine commandment that they disobey those in authority and express their righteousness by gossiping about and even threatening public health officials, health-care workers, politicians and pretty much anyone else who disagrees with them.

Why does that distress me? Consider this:

Remember that?

Ask yourselves, How much of the rhetoric surrounding this issue — particularly from those opposed to health-care regulations — is founded in any of those Fruits of the Holy Spirit?

One more thing: if you’re that concerned about freedom, here are some suggestions:

  • Go to the Downtown East Side in Vancouver, or the Mustard Seed Street Church in Victoria, or any of the other ministries serving the “street people” in urban centres across North America, and help set the people free from misery — drug addiction, homelessness, poverty, inability to feed their families, etc.
  • Contact any First Nation and ask how to help set them free from the desperation of lack of income and self-respect; from the grief of youth suicide; or from the fear of whatever is coming out of their water tap.
  • Pray that we are all set free from the threat of extremism in society — the Peace of Jerusalem means the unification of all under One — Jesus Christ

And get vaccinated and wear the damn mask. Do both in the name of Jesus, and in faith that it will keep you and those around you healthy. Receiving the shot is the works that goes along with your faith to bring results.

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